You may be interested in this letter we received
on the 27.03.00
(This letter is also on the advice pages)
Dear Sir,
You did a site survey for me, (Vision note - about 3 weeks
earlier) & gave me a price for a satellite installation, the
following day a friend at the pub said "don't get a Manhattan 2500
receiver" I asked why, he said they were prone to faults,
(Vision comment. From all of the Manhattan 2500s we have sold in since
January 00, we have only ever had two faulty units, both of which had a dry
joint on the circuit board) I know nothing about them & assumed
he did, he suggested a Humax receiver. I have had that many views
and didn't know whose advice to take. I plumped for the first person
in the satellite book, it was …. NAME WITHHELD…….he said he could
set the whole thing up.
First day - parts didn't turn up
2nd day - instructions didn't turn up
3rd day men didn't turn up
4th day awaiting further parts
The men could not do the job with the parts,
I told ….NAME WITHHELD …to take it down and I'll forget the whole
thing, the man you sent (Vision note. We sent an engineer) knew
everything & did a good job, (Vision comment, nobody knows
everything but it's a nice compliment) it was up & running
the same day. I regret now not using you from the beginning.
I am sending you the Humax receiver to tune in
(Vision note i.e. download all channels and provide a print out
of the lists) he (Vision note, "he" the sales person from the mail
order company) said you would come and set the whole thing up, he
said you would bring a scart lead, any tuning in fee you require,
he said he would take car of the cost as I have paid the original
price, sorry for any inconvenience
You can arrange a time that suites you on the above number.
Yours faithfully
Tyne & Wear
We comments on the "interesting" letter,
There are a number of issues to address as a result of this
experience. Let us first explain that we were contacted by this
non-local mail order company who we would like to stress ARE a
reputable company and were very willing to pay us to sort out
the mess. Unfortunately they had commissioned a local North East
company (who have a large advert in the magazines) to install
the system and this company made a complete dogs breakfast of
the whole installation. Whether this was malice or complete
ignorance and lack of ability is uncertain. Let us tell explain
what our engineer found when he arrived at the customers house.
1. The Sky digital dish should have been fixed to the mount
by 4 bolts. It was loose due to being held by one bolt and a bent
2. The other end of the signal cable had no F connector fitted and
was not plugged into the Digibox.
3. The motorised dish was going east when west was pressed on the
remote due to the polarity being the wrong way round.
4. The motorised dish was not picking up any satellites, as it was
not tracking the arc. When it should have been pointing at 1 degree
west (i.e. in the Apex position) it was pointing at 10 degrees east.
This means it was out by a mile!
5. The motor cable should have had a reasonable rating. (e.g. 5 amps)
They had used the thin BT indoor telephone cable!
Anyway our engineer sorted all of the faults and both the Sky digi
and the analogue motorised system were working within one and
The customer was however still left with a number of problems.
We were not aware of the fact that a Humax digital had to be connected.
(Indeed the mail order company had not asked us to set up a Humax)
We hade to return a second time as the mail order company has
now asked us to program it and install it.
The biggest problem is the wall mount. On The Motorised Satellite
Video Volume 3 we show a commercially made wall mount made of light
weight thin materials with provision for only three coach bolts.
One to the left, one to the right and one to the bottom.
(Vision mounts use 10) we also show on the video where the mount
has sheered in the wind since it was part of an insurance job last
year. We have been asked to sort out two insurance claims from people
who have used this type of mount and then had it break in high winds.
Now let us examine why we recommended a Manhattan and not a Humax.
You probably know from looking at other pages on this site that we
sell and have a very high regard for the Humax receivers. The fact
is that the Humax makes an ideal addition to an EXISTING analogue
motorised system. The disadvantage however is that two remotes have
to be used. One to move the dish on the existing system and then one
to select the channel on the Humax. If you are starting fresh why
buy this inconvenience? Better to buy a fully integrated all in the
one box, all on the one remote, reliable, easy to use Manhattan
analogue digital motorised receiver.
Even though we were able to get everything working for this customer,
what was he left with? A wall mount, which could come down in high
winds, a universal fit small dish motor, poor wiring, and an obsolete
analogue motorised receiver with a separate digital and two remote
We really don't buy "the man in the pub story." A more likely scenario
is that price was his only consideration. Did he "save" £100.00?
Perhaps he paid £500 instead of £600? What really happened was
that instead of saving £100 he wasted £500! Quite frankly the Humax
is a good machine but the rest was junk.

See our other web site at-
This site includes many products that are exclusive to the Satellite Superstore.
The site contains -
• Products that we manufacture (e.g. We have manufactured heavy duty wall mounts and ground stands since 1991).
• Selected products which have our own Primesat brand name and have been prepared to our specifications.
• Selected products where we have been appointed the authorised UK or European distributor by the manufacturer. is an information site. Here you will find full specifications and many detailed pictures.
To buy any of these products, simply order them on this web site.

Link to our own satellite museum site
Satellite Museum. A museum of vintage satellite receivers.
For old satellite receivers with knobs on and read about "A History Of Satellite TV".
Also see A Museum of vintage consumer electronics.
Vintage reel to reel video recorders. Vintage VHS and Betamax VCRs. Vintage video cameras. Vintage
Laser Disc. Vintage Computers. Old telephones. Old brick mobile phones. Vintage Hi Fi, Old reel
to reel audio and early audio cassette decks. Including, the history time line of vintage
consumer electronics ... and much more .....
It is well worth a visit.
Only The Satellite Superstore brings you
great products, advice and it's own museum.

You may be interested in two other web sites.
This web site shows all of the restoration process and the modifications to this truck.
In addition, there is a hard high quality tonneau cover on a new web site
at for the 1947-53 Chevy truck.
Contacting us.
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Tel. (UK) 01207 544664 and 01207
International Tel. + 44 1207 544664.
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