United Kingdom
accepted cards
Inclined orbit motors. Satellite dish motors, Technomate TM2600 diseqc motor, Technomate TM2300 diseqc motor, 36V linear actuators, Jaeger motors. Jaeger actuators, Superjack actuators, Raven polar mount, Andrews polar mount, Channel Master polar mount, Raven 1.2m polar mount, Raven 1.8m polar mount, Raven 2.4m polar mount, metal gears, Jaeger Superjack, Low prices. Primesat PR3600B heavy duty DISEqC Motor. Channel Master motor. Reed switches. Satellite dish motor control cable.
We have 2 identical sites on different servers. www.satellitesuperstore.com & www.satellitesuperstore.co.uk If one site is down, please use the other one
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As a family based company we offer telephone sales and advice. Tel. 01207 544664
(After clicking on a link below ..............) Motors (...use the back button to return here)
36V linear SuperJack actuators Standard - 12-inch 18-inch Heavy duty - 18-inch 36-inch
Polar mounts for Raven offset dishes - standard - 90cm 1.0m 1.2m 1.8m 2.4m inclined orbit - 90cm 1.0m 1.2m 1.8m 2.4m
Polar mounts for prime focus dishes - standard - 1.2-1.5m 1.6m-2.0m 2.1m-3.0m Inclined orbit - 1.2-1.5m 1.6m-2.0m 2.1m-3.0m
DISEqC motors - Technomate TM2300 Advice on - All motors. 36V motors. Spares - Reed switches. Reed switches advice.

Technomate TM-2300 Diseqc motor

TM-2300 TM-2300

The new Technomate 2300 motor is 35% faster than the previous 2100A motor. Output pole diameter 50mm
The Technomate TM-2300 is one of the best Diseqc motor we have tested. It now includes the new
re-enforced metal plate. It is a good choice for people who want a reliable replacement
motor for their system. It is ideal for applications where only a coaxial cable is possible
recommended for dishes up to 1.0m. Or 1.1m dishes as long as the location is not too exposed.
There has been a debate lately about steel or nylon gears-
Most Diseqc motors (and heavy duty 36 volt motors) have used nylon gears for many years for a very good reason.
The fact is that nylon gears are much quieter than steel gears and if reliability with this motor has never been
a problem, then they may well be the best option. The advantage of this Technomate motor is the fact there is
no play in the gears at all. This is not the case with many other Diseqc motors. It is interesting to note that
even the massive 17 Kg Jaeger 1224 36 volt motor below, designed for big dishes, uses nylon gears. MUCH quieter!

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Technomate TM-2300 DISEqC motor.
Order code, DISEQCM
In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Only £84.95

Linear 36V Actuator Information.

24 inch standard and 36 inch heavy duty actuators. 36 inch actuator.

Straight (linear) actuators fit many types of polar mount but you need to know the length of actuator you require.
Straight actuators push a polar mount east and west and the polar mount follows the satellite arc. They are available in various lengths.
The Raven (formally Andrews or Channel Master) polar mounts for 90cm, 1.0m and 1.2m use a 12-inch standard actuator or you
can use an 18-inch standard actuator on the 1.2m Raven dish. The polar mount for the Raven 1.8m dish uses an 18-inch heavy
duty actuator. The Primesat 1.8m dish uses a 18-inch heavy duty actuator. The Raven 2.4m dish uses a 36-inch actuator.
The 3.7m dish uses a 36-inch actuator. Referring to the top left hand picture, the top actuator is a standard actuator
and the bottom one a heavy duty actuator. A heavy duty 24-inch actuator weighs 7.0 Kg. A standard 24-inch actuator weighs 4.5Kg.
Heavy duty actuators are thicker, heavier, have a larger motor and have more torque. Mini-Jacks are 6-inches long
They are narrower than standard actuators and the fixing bolts are also narrower. The spare part which does the counting is
called a Reed Switch and is available below. We also sell inclined orbit polar mounts. These mounts are for tracking inclined orbit
satellites which move in and out of the "Clarke Belt". They use 2 actuators. One for east and west and the other for up and down.
Polar mounts are used for dishes of 1.2m and larger. The inclined orbit polar mount with 2 actuators for the 2.3m dish weights 64Kg!
These polar mounts are exclusive and are manufactured within our group of companies.

"Superjack" actuators.
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Beware - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they are "Superjack"
actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make (often a similar sounding name but
not "Superjack"). It may be cheaper but please note that an original "Superjack" has a high build quality.

copies. SuperJack. SuperJack Minijacks.

Genuine Superjack actuators are available below. All actuators include -
A Free test cable and our own specially prepared "testing and fitting guide" is included with every actuator. (Worth £9.95)
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. We offer support for all our customers on our normal BT line. We can guide
you through the testing and fitting process. You can buy a discounted spare Reed Switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95)
if included with any new actuator purchased. You can even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an
extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased. ("Motor control cable" is also available).
All actuators are sent to our workshop for testing before shipping but it is a good idea to test it yourself before it goes on the dish

Genuine Superjack 8-inch actuator.
Standard actuator HARL-3608+. Free test cable and instructions

8 inch SuperJack.

If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 2.6 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. 36V.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

8-inch actuator. SuperJack HARL-3608+ standard linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 8INCHAC

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 8-inch 36V HARL-3608+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Genuine Superjack 12-inch actuator.
Standard actuator HARL-3612+. Free test cable and instructions

12 inch SuperJack.

If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 3.5 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. 36V.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

12-inch actuator. SuperJack HARL-3612+ standard linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 12INCHAC

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 12-inch 36V HARL-3612+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Genuine Superjack 12-inch HR actuator.
Standard actuator HARL-3612+. Free test cable and instructions

12 inch SuperJack.

High Resolution (HR) model for use as a vertical up down actuator in inclined orbit motors.
Actuators contain a 4 pole magnet which, with the reed sensor, does the counting and this provides feedback to the
dish positioner which does the counting. This actuator has an 8 pole magnet. That means it has twice the counts
(twice the resolution) of a normal actuator. This is useful when used as the vertical up / down actuator in inclined
orbit motors. The movement up and down is quite small and a higher resolution provides more accuracy.
There is no need to use this actuator on standard polar mounts for east to west movement.
Weight 3.5 Kg. Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. 36V.
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Beware - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they are "Superjack"
actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make (often a similar sounding name but
not "Superjack"). It may be cheaper but please note that an original "Superjack" has a high build quality.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

12-inch actuator. SuperJack HARL-3612+ standard linear 8 pole magnet high
resolution actuator. Free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 12INCHAH

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 12-inch 36V HARL-3612+ 8 pole magnet actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Genuine Superjack 18-inch actuator.
Standard actuator HARL-3618+. Free test cable and instructions

18 inch SuperJack.

18" standard actuators are recommended for dishes from 1.2m-1.5m including the Raven (Andrews, Channel Master) 1.2m dish
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 4.0 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. 36V.
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 3.5 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

18-inch actuator. SuperJack DARL-3618+ standard linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 18INCHAC

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 18-inch 36V HARL-3618+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Genuine SuperJack 24-inch actuator
(standard). HARL-3624+. Free test cable

Free test cable and instructions

24 inch SuperJack.

If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 4.0 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. 36V.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

24-inch actuator. SuperJack HARL-3624+ standard linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 24INCHAC

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 24-inch 36V HARL-3624+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Superjack actuators.
Compare below a standard actuator with a heavy duty actuator.

24 inch standard and heavy duty actuators.

Heavy duty actuators are thicker and heavier and with more Torque. They are for larger dishes.

Genuine SuperJack heavy duty
18-inch QARL-3618+ actuator

Free test cable and instructions

18 inch heavy duty SuperJack.

Heavy duty actuators are thick and have larger motors. (See above.) Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve. Heavy duty
18" actuators are recommended for dishes from 1.5m - 1.8m including the Raven (Andrews, Channel Master) 1.8m dish. 36V.
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 9.0 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

18-inch actuator. SuperJack QARL-3618+ heavy duty linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 18INCHAH

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 18-inch 36V QARL-3618+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Genuine SuperJack heavy duty
24-inch QARL-3624+ actuator

Free test cable and instructions

24 inch heavy duty SuperJack.

Temporarily out of stock.
The heavy duty 18" (above) and 36" actuators (below) are in stock.

Advice - just use a 36" actuator below. They are exactly the same apart from being 6-inches (150mm) longer.
It just sticks out a bit more at the back which is not usually an issue.

Genuine SuperJack heavy duty
36-inch QARL-3636+ actuator

Free test cable and instructions

36 inch heavy duty SuperJack.

Heavy duty actuators are thick and have larger motors. (See above.) Complete with bolts and hanging sleeve.
36" heavy duty actuators are recommended for dishes from 2.0m - 3.5m dishes. 36V.
If it says "Superjack" on the side of the actuator, it is a genuine Superjack actuator.
Note - some web sites may show pictures of "Superjack" actuators and may state in the notes that they
are "Superjack" actuators but when you receive the actuator it may be a different make.
(Often a similar sounding name but not "Superjack"). Please note that an original "Superjack" has a higher build quality.
Weight 15.0 Kg. Every actuator is tested in our workshop before shipping. Motor control cable" is also available.
Free test cable (worth £9.95) and our own specially prepared free testing, fitting guide is included with every actuator.
We have sold 36V actuators since 1991 and our proven methods are worth following. We recommend a test procedure before
fitting a new actuator as detailed in our notes. Testing yourself gives you confidence it will work once fitted to your dish.
You can ring us for telephone support and we can guide you through the testing and fitting process.
You can buy a discounted spare reed switch for only £3.00 (saving £2.95) when any new actuator is purchased. You can
even include a new Primesat high-tech V Box for only an extra £84.95 (saving £15.00) with any new actuator purchased.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

36-inch actuator. SuperJack QARL-3636+ heavy duty linear actuator with
free test cable with testing, fitting instruction guide.

In stock and ready for immediate shipping
Order code 36INCHAH

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the actuator when you "add to cart" below.

If required select a spare reed switch option:

No spare reed switch required
Add 1 spare discounted reed switch to actuator order. (add £3.00)
Add 2 spare discounted reed switches to actuator order. (add £5.50)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a discounted Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

SuperJack 36-inch 36V QARL-3636+ actuator.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Reed Switches (3 types).

Reed switch Reed switches

Reed Switch Type 1 (shown left above)

Replacement reed switch for our actuators. Reed switches do the "counting". Click here to find out how a reed switch works.
If there are counting errors you may need a new reed switch. The Type 1 plugs in.
The Type 1 fits the previous range of actuators which have been sold after May 2015 approx.
The Type 1 fitted both the previous standard and the heavy duty types of actuator.
Reed switch Type 2S and Type 2H below are for our latest actuators.
Best to take the back off your actuator and check what type of reed switch you have.
Alternatively you may wish to just buy one or two of each type (e.g. 2X Type 1, 2X Type2S, 2X Type 2H). See below.

Shipping options.
Small orders (e.g. Items up to 1.5Kg and with a total value of over £14.00) - Free UK delivery (including offshore islands).
Choose - "UK - small items - free delivery." - UK shipping option No 3. Sent by Royal Mail.
All Internationals - EU or outside of the EU - choose the £15 "up to 1.5 Kg by insured international post." shipping option.

Minimum order value for free UK delivery is £14.00. Under £14.00 select the £3.00 delivery charge.

One Type 1 Reed Switch for for previous older range of actuators.
This is the black reed switch without any wires attached.
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code REEDSWI

Two Type 1 Reed Switches for previous older range of actuators.
These are the black reed switch without any wires attached.
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 2REEDSW

Reed Switch Type 2S (standard)

Reed switch

Replacement reed switch for our latest standard actuators. Reed switches do the "counting".
If there are counting errors you may need a new reed switch. Click here to find out how a reed switch works.
A screwdriver is needed to connect the two wires into the terminal block.
The Type 2S fits our current range of standard actuators which we sold after May 2015 approx.
The Type 1 fitted the previous standard and the heavy duty types of actuator and is above.
Reed switch Type 2S (standard) and 2H (below - for the heavy duty actuators) are for our latest actuators.
Best to take the back off your actuator and check what type of reed switch you have.
Alternatively you may wish to just buy one or two of each type (e.g. 2X Type 1, 2X Type2S, 2X Type 2H). See below.

One Type 2S (standard) Reed Switch
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code REEDSWIS

Two Type 2S (standard) Reed Switches
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 2REEDSWS

Reed Switch Type 2H (heavy duty)

Reed switch

Replacement reed switch for our latest heavy duty actuators. Reed switches do the "counting".
If there are counting errors you may need a new reed switch. Click here to find out how a reed switch works.
A screwdriver is needed to connect the two wires into the terminal block.
The Type 2H fits our current range of actuators which we sold after May 2015 approx.
The Type 1 fitted the previous standard and the heavy duty types of actuator and is above.
Reed switch Type 2H (heavy duty) and 2S (above - for the standard actuators) are for our latest actuators.
Best to take the back off your actuator and check what type of reed switch you have.
Alternatively you may wish to just buy one or two of each type (e.g. 2X Type 1, 2X Type2S, 2X Type 2H). See below.

One Type 2H (standard) Reed Switch
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code REEDSWIH

Two Type 2S (heavy duty) Reed Switches
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 2REEDSWH

Reed Switches Type 1, Type 2S & Type 2H

Reed switches

See above for more details of these reed switch types.

One Type 1, one Type 2S and one Type 2H Reed Switches
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 1RD12S2H

Two Type 1, two Type 2S and two Type 2H Reed Switches
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 2RD12S2H

Two Type 1, two Type 2S and two Type 2H Reed Switches
and our test cable and instructions. See below

In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code 2R12S2HT

Actuator test cable and fitting instructions.

Actuator test cable Actuator notes

Testing the actuator is an important process before it is fitted to the polar mount. Full details on this test procedure and
all connection details is included in the special information sheet included. This guide includes - System notes, making the
connections, testing the actuator with the test cable, how a reed switch works, Setting the physical end stops (micro switches)
in the actuator. It includes details on how to make the correct connections as incorrect wiring can damage the V Box.

Shipping options.
Small orders (e.g. Items up to 1.5Kg and with a total value of over £14.00) - Free UK delivery (including offshore islands).
Choose - "UK - small items - free delivery." - UK shipping option No 3. Sent by Royal Mail.
All Internationals - EU or outside of the EU - choose the £15 "up to 1.5 Kg by insured international post." shipping option.

Minimum order value for free UK delivery is £14.00. Under £14.00 select the £3.00 delivery charge.

Actuator test cable and fitting instructions.
In Stock and ready for immediate shipping.
Order code TESTCAB

Polar Mounts

Primesat heavy duty polar mount for
the Raven (Andrews / Channel Master)
90cm, 1.0m and 1.2m dishes. Mk 6.

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Designed for the Raven (or Cahors) dish - Primesat CH12MK6 heavy duty polar mount and actuator.
Now in stainless steel.
The new Mk 6 has been completely redesigned compared to earlier versions. This mount is produced by our sister company
www.primesat.eu for the Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 1.2m Raven dish (dish not included). With this latest
Mk6 version, the mount stands closer to the pole and is a well-balanced assembly. Fine adjustment is easy with a spanner.
Comparing the Mk6 to the previous versions - 1. Better design. 2. Better build quality. 3. All of the parts are machined to
higher tolerances. 4. Now for the first time in stainless steel. 5. All of the bolts are now stainless steel. 6. The elevation
adjuster and the declination adjuster are stainless steel. All of the nuts are brass. Using brass means there is no danger
of "thread locking" which might happen if they were also stainless steel. 7. Fits a 76mm diameter pole.
A genuine SuperJack 18" actuator is an option. Weight of polar mount 5Kg. Weight of 18-inch actuator 6Kg.
Total weight 11Kg. This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 76mm (3-inch) diameter pole.
An ideal ground stand is the Primesat GS761FW3 stand. An ideal wall mount is the Primesat WMS45076 mount.
Note - Raven dishes were formally Andrews dishes and before that Channel Master.
4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Primesat polar mount for Raven 1.2m dish.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code POLARMK6

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 18 inch SuperJack standard actuator (add £84.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Primesat polar mount for the Raven 1.2m dish.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Primesat heavy duty polar mount for
the Cahors fibre glass 1.2m dishes. Mk 6.

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Cahors and Raven 1.2m dish

Designed for the Cahors (or Raven) dish - Primesat CH12MK6 heavy duty polar mount and actuator.
Now manufactured in stainless steel.
The new Mk 6 has been completely redesigned compared to earlier versions. This mount is produced by our sister company
www.primesat.eu for the Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 1.2m Cahors dish (dish not included). With this latest
Mk6 version, the mount stands closer to the pole and is a well-balanced assembly. Fine adjustment is easy with a spanner.
Comparing the Mk6 to the previous versions - 1. Better design. 2. Better build quality. 3. All of the parts are machined to
higher tolerances. 4. Now for the first time in stainless steel. 5. All of the bolts are now stainless steel. 6. The elevation
adjuster and the declination adjuster are stainless steel. All of the nuts are brass. Using brass means there is no danger
of "thread locking" which might happen if they were also stainless steel. 7. Fits a 76mm diameter pole.
A genuine SuperJack 18" actuator is an option. Weight of polar mount 5Kg. Weight of 18-inch actuator 6Kg.
Total weight 11Kg. This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 76mm (3-inch) diameter pole.
An ideal ground stand is the Primesat GS761FW3 stand. An ideal wall mount is the Primesat WMS45076 mount.
4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Primesat polar mount for Cahors 1.2m dish.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code POLARMK6

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 18 inch SuperJack standard actuator (add £84.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Primesat polar mount for the Cahors 1.2m dish.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Raven 1.2m inclined orbit motorised dish.


We only do the standard polar mount for the Raven 1.2m dish.

Primesat polar mount for Raven 1.2m dish Primesat polar mount for Raven 1.2m dish

A standard polar mount motorised version (above) and a fixed version of this 1.2m dish are also available.

Click here to see the standard polar mount.

Primesat heavy duty 36V motor for Raven
(Andrews / Channel Master) 1.8m dishes.

Polarmount Polarmount Polarmount

This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 1.8m Raven dish
(dish not included). Primesat CH18MK2 heavy duty polar mount and actuator. Latest Mk2 version. The polar mount is mostly
"dipped galvanised". The "dish back plate frame" is etch primed, primed, top coated and baked in an oven to provide a durable
finish. The rest of the mount including the collar is dipped galvanised. All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel
except the main elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass. The polar mount includes a frame that is designed
to fit on the back of the Raven 1.8m dish using the 4 bolts which come with the Raven dish. A genuine heavy duty
Superjack 18" actuator is an option. Weight of polar mount 29Kg. Weight of 18-inch actuator 8Kg. Total weight 37Kg.
This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 76mm (3-inch) diameter pole (with spacer). An ideal ground stand is the
Primesat GS76125 stand. Note - Raven dishes were formally "Andrews dishes" and before that "Channel Master".
4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page. This heavy duty polar mount and
actuator can take high wind loads. An inclined orbit version of this polar mount is available below.
A shim may be needed. An inclined orbit 2 motor polar mount for the Raven 1.8m dish is also available - see below

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - within the EU - choose the £59 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Primesat polar mount for the Raven 1.8m dish.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code SPOLAR18

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 18 inch SuperJack heavy duty actuator (add £144.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Primesat polar mount for the Raven 1.8m dish.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Upgrade kit to convert a Primesat CH18IO2 standard polar mount for a
Raven 1.8m dish to a Primesat CH18IO2 inclined orbit polar mount.

If you already own a Primesat CH18IO2 standard polar mount you can convert it for inclined orbit use with this kit.
The kit includes the brackets and bolts to convert the polar mount, a Superjack 12" HS actuator for vertical adjustment.
and an EZ-2000 positioner to control the (vertical) 12-inch actuator. All discounted as a kit.
Order code UPGIO18

Primesat heavy duty 36V motor for Raven
(Andrews / Channel Master) 2.4m dishes.

Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish
Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish

Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish

This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 2.4m Raven
dish (dish not included). "Primesat CH24100 heavy duty polar mount and actuator". The polar mount is mostly "dipped galvanised".
The "dish back plate frame" is etch primed, primed, top coated and baked in an oven to provide a durable finish. The rest of
the mount including the collar is dipped galvanised. All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main
elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass. The polar mount includes a frame that is designed to fit on the
back of the Raven 2.4m dish using the 4 bolts that come with the Raven dish. An optional, genuine heavy duty
Superjack 36" actuator is available. Weight of polar mount 47Kg. Weight of 36-inch actuator 8Kg. Total weight 55Kg.
This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 100mm (4-inch) diameter pole. An ideal ground stand is the
Primesat GS10016 stand. Note - Raven dishes were formally "Andrews dishes" and before that "Channel Master".
An inclined orbit 2 motor polar mount for the Raven 2.4m dish is also available - see below.
4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page.
This is our Mk 2 polar mount with improved heavy duty collar for fitting to pole.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose "free* mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 (see exception below*)
* Free mainland delivery to most postcodes but some postcodes, highlands and remote locations may require a surcharge
All UK offshore islands. Shipping will carry an additional surcharge. Email or ring 01207 544664.
All internationals. Shipping to all destinations is by quotation. Email or ring +44 1231 544664 (GMT).

Primesat polar mount for the Raven 2.4m dish.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code SPOLAR24

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 36 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 36 inch SuperJack heavy duty actuator (add £174.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Primesat polar mount for the Raven 2.4m dish.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Primesat heavy duty inclined orbit
motor for Raven 2.4m dishes.

Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish
Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish

Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish Primesat Inclined Orbit Polar Mount for Raven 2.4m dish

Note - Raven Skyware Global dishes were formally Andrews and before that Channel Master
This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 2.4m Raven
dish (dish not included). "Primesat heavy duty polar mount with actuator options". The polar mount is mostly "dipped galvanised".
The "dish back plate frame and collar" are etch primed, primed, top coated and baked in an oven to provide a durable finish.
All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass.
The polar mount includes a frame that is designed to fit on the back of the Raven 2.4m dish using the 4 bolts that come with
the Raven dish. Genuine heavy duty Superjack 36" actuator and high resolution 18-inch heavy duty actuators are optional.
Weight of polar mount 47Kg. Weight of 36-inch actuator 8Kg. Weight of 18-inch actuator 5Kg. Total weight 60Kg.
This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 100mm (4-inch) diameter pole. An ideal ground stand is the
Primesat GS10016 stand. Note - Raven dishes were formally "Andrews dishes" and before that "Channel Master".
A standard polar mount for the Raven 2.4m dish is also available - see above.
4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page.
This is our Mk 2 polar mount with improved heavy duty collar for fitting to pole.
In the options below, it is likely an 36" actuator and a 18" actuator and two V Boxes will be needed for a complete kit.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose "free* mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 (see exception below*)
* Free mainland delivery to most postcodes but some postcodes, highlands and remote locations may require a surcharge
All UK offshore islands. Shipping will carry an additional surcharge. Email or ring 01207 544664.
All internationals. Shipping to all destinations is by quotation. Email or ring +44 1231 544664 (GMT).

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount for Raven 2.4m dish
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code IPOLAR24

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 36 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 36 inch SuperJack heavy duty actuator (add £174.95)

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add an 18 inch SuperJack HR heavy duty actuator (add £144.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add 1 Primesat V Box (add £94.00)
Add 2 Primesat V Boxes (add £188.00)

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount for Raven 2.4m dish
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Heavy duty polar mount for prime
focus dishes up to 1.6m.

Primesat Polar Mount with actuator

(Dish not included)
Fits the Primesat 1.4m - Heavy duty polar mount. Actuator option.
Also suitable for other prime focus dishes from 1.2m - 1.5m. The polar mount is "dipped galvanised" which is the
best possible type of treatment for withstanding corrosion in high salt areas. Everything about this mount is high
quality. All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation adjuster which is made
of brass. This heavy duty polar mount is available with an 18-inch actuator option. A suitable 1m high
76mm diameter pole ground stand is on our ground stands page. A possible wall mount (depending on
stand-off distance required) is on our wall mounts page. 4 core motor control cable is also available.
Fits on an 80mm diameter pole. A shim may be needed.
An inclined orbit 2 motor polar mount version of this polar mount is also available - see below

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Polar mount for The Primesat 1.4m dish or other prime focus dishes up to 1.6m
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code SPOLAR14

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 18 inch SuperJack standard actuator (add £84.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Polar mount for The Primesat 1.4m dish or other prime focus dishes up to 1.6m
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Inclined orbit polar mount for
prime focus dishes up to 1.6m.

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuator Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuator

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuator Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuator

Inclined orbit polar mount. Two actuator options.
Suitable for tracking inclined orbit satellites. This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the
Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 1.4m Primesat dish but could be used on similar prime focus dishes up to 1.6m
(dish not included). Primesat heavy duty polar mount with 2 actuator options. The polar mount is "dipped galvanised". All of
the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass. Two
small brackets are painted, etch primed, primed and top coated all baked in an oven. Quality, genuine Superjack 18" actuator
and Superjack 12" actuator are options. Weight of polar mount 10Kg. Weight of actuators 7.5Kg. Total weight 17.5Kg.
This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 76mm (3-inch) diameter pole. A suitable 1m high 76mm diameter pole
ground stand (with spacer) is on our ground stands page. A possible wall mount (depending on stand-off distance required)
is on our wall mounts page. 4 core motor control cable is also available. This heavy duty polar mount and actuator
can take high wind loads. Please note, a second V Box positioner is needed for the vertical jack.
One actuator is needed for east and west positioning and a second actuator for vertical adjustment.
A standard version of this mount is also available - see above. A shim may be needed.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £38 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Inclined orbit polar mount for prime focus dishes up to 1.6m.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code IPOLAR14

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add an 18 inch SuperJack standard actuator (add £84.95)

If required select an 12 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 12 inch SuperJack HR standard actuator (add £74.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add 1 Primesat V Box (add £94.00)
Add 2 Primesat V Boxes (add £188.00)

Inclined orbit polar mount for prime focus dishes up to 1.6m.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Upgrade kit to convert a Primesat standard polar mount for a Primesat
1.4m dish to a Primesat inclined orbit polar mount.

If you already own a Primesat standard polar mount you can convert it for inclined orbit use with this kit.
The kit includes the brackets and bolts to convert the polar mount, a Superjack 12" actuator for vertical adjustment
and a second V Box to control the (vertical) 12-inch actuator.
Order code UPPIO14

Heavy duty polar mount for 1.8m-2.0m
prime focus dishes

Primesat Polar Mount with actuator

(Dish not included)
Designed for the Primesat 1.8m and other 1.8m prime focus dishes.
Also suitable for other prime focus dishes from 1.6m - 2.0m. The polar mount is "dipped galvanised" which is the best
possible type of treatment for withstanding corrosion in high salt areas. Everything about this dish is high quality.
All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation adjuster which is made of brass. This
heavy duty polar mount has a 18-inch heavy duty actuator option. It can be used with other makes of prime
focus dishes A suitable 1.25m high 76mm diameter pole ground stand (and spacer) is on our ground stands page.
4 core motor control cable is also available. An inclined orbit version of this polar mount is available below.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - within the EU - choose the £59 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Polar mount for the the Primesat 1.8m dish and other prime focus 1.8m dishes.
In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code SPOLAP18

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add a 18 inch SuperJack heavy duty actuator (add £144.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add a Primesat V Box (add £94.00)

Primesat polar mount for the the Primesat 1.8m dish and other prime focus 1.8m dishes.
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Primesat heavy duty inclined orbit polar
mount for prime focus 1.8m -2.0m dishes

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuators Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuators

Inclined orbit polar mount with two actuators. Two positioners required.

Suitable for tracking inclined orbit satellites. This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the
Satellite Superstore. It is designed for the 1.8m Primesat dish but could be used on similar prime focus dishes from 1.6-2.0m
(dish not included). Primesat heavy duty polar mount with 2x actuator options. The polar mount is "dipped galvanised". All of
the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass. Two
small brackets are painted, etch primed, primed and top coated all baked in an oven. A quality, genuine heavy duty
Superjack 18" actuator and Superjack 12" actuator are options. Weight of polar mount 25Kg. Weight of actuators 12Kg.
Total weight 37Kg. This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 76mm (3-inch) diameter pole. An ideal ground stand
is the Primesat stand. 4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page. This heavy duty
polar mount and actuator can take high wind loads. Please note, a second V Box positioner is needed for the vertical jack.
Click here to see this motor fitted to a 1.8m dish. Two actuators are needed. One for east and west positioning
and the other for vertical adjustment. A standard polar mount version of this 1.8m mount is also available - see above
In the options below, it is likely an 18" actuator and a 12" actuator and two V Boxes will be needed for a complete kit.

Shipping information and options. (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
Choose either "free mainland UK delivery" - UK shipping option No 1 or priority options 4-7.
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland" many items including dishes up to 80cm choose the £15 - UK option No 2.
International - within the EU - choose the £59 "up to 5Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount for the Primesat 1.8m
dish and other prime focus 1.8m dishes

In stock and reacy for immediate shipping
Order code IPOLAP18

Options, only if required, will be automatically added to the polar mount when you "add to cart" below.

If required select an 18 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add an 18 inch SuperJack heavy duty actuator (add £144.95)

If required select an 12 inch actuator option:

No actuator required
Add an 12 inch SuperJack HR standard actuator (add £74.95)

If required select a V Box option:

No V Box required
Add 1 Primesat V Box (add £94.00)
Add 2 Primesat V Boxes (add £188.00)

Inclined orbit polar mount for the Primesat 1.8m dish and other prime focus 1.8m dishes
(If several options have been added, please wait a few seconds after adding to cart for it to go through)


If you are outside of the UK, a 20% VAT refund will be done before shipping.

Upgrade kit to convert a Primesat standard polar mount for a Primesat
1.8m dish to a Primesat inclined orbit polar mount.

If you already own a Primesat standard polar mount you can convert it for inclined orbit use with this kit.
The kit includes the brackets and bolts to convert the polar mount, a Superjack 12" actuator for vertical adjustment
and a second V Box to control the (vertical) 12-inch actuator.
Order code UPPIO18

Heavy duty 36V motor for the
Prime focus dishes up to 2.5m.

Primesat Polar Mount with actuator

Suitable prime focus dishes. Heavy duty polar mount and actuator.
The polar mount is "dipped galvanised" which is the best possible type of treatment for withstanding corrosion in high salt
areas. Everything about this dish is high quality. All of the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main
elevation adjuster which is made of brass. This heavy duty polar mount comes complete with an 36 inch heavy duty actuator.
The weight of the complete unit including actuator is 42Kg. This mount could be used with other makes of prime focus dishes
An ideal ground stand is the Primesat GS10014 stand. 4 core motor control cable is also available. An inclined orbit
version of this polar mount is available below. Note - the Primesat 2.3m dish is available with 3.1m extensions.

Shipping options. Discounted shipping on all web orders.
UK - mainland UK delivery is included in the price, (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
so choose "Mainland UK delivery included" - UK shipping option No 1 (or priority options 4-7).
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland by courier" dishes up to 1.0m choose the £15 - UK shipping option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - dishes up to 1.0m - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £89 "1 large or 2 smaller boxes up to 20Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - all dishes/sizes - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Heavy duty polar mount with 36V, 36" heavy duty actuator for Prime focus dishes up to 2.5m
Order code PRIPM23

Primesat heavy duty inclined orbit motor
for 2.5m prime focus dishes

Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuators Primesat inclined orbit polar mount with actuators

Inclined orbit polar mount with two actuators. Two positioners required.

Suitable for tracking inclined orbit satellites. This mount is produced by our sister company www.primesat.eu for the
Satellite Superstore. It is designed for 2.5m prime focus dishes dish but could be used on similar prime focus dishes from 2.1-2.8m
(dish not included). Primesat PR23IOPM heavy duty polar mount with actuators. The polar mount is "dipped galvanised". All of
the nuts and bolts are made of stainless steel except the main elevation and declination adjusters which are made of brass. Two
small brackets are painted, etch primed, primed and top coated all baked in an oven. A quality, genuine heavy duty
Superjack 36" actuator and Superjack 18" actuator are included. Weight of polar mount 45Kg. Weight of actuators 19Kg.
Total weight 64Kg. This polar mount motor unit is designed to clamp onto a 100mm (4-inch) diameter pole. An ideal ground stand
is the Primesat GS10014 stand. 4 core motor control cable for this motor can be found on the cable page. This heavy duty
polar mount and actuator can take high wind loads. Please note, 2 x V Boxes are needed for the 2 actuators.
A standard (not inclined orbit) version of this polar mount is available above.

Shipping options. Discounted shipping on all web orders.
UK - mainland UK delivery is included in the price, (VAT info.) (Stock levels.)
so choose "Mainland UK delivery included" - UK shipping option No 1 (or priority options 4-7).
For "UK offshore islands including Northern Ireland by courier" dishes up to 1.0m choose the £15 - UK shipping option No 2.
International - Republic of Ireland - dishes up to 1.0m - choose the £15 "fixed price multiple items to Eire" shipping option
International - within the EU - choose the £89 "1 large or 2 smaller boxes up to 20Kg by courier to EU countries" shipping option
International - outside of the EU - all dishes/sizes - choose the "International shipping quote by e-mail" shipping option.

Primesat heavy duty inclined orbit motor for 2.5m prime focus dishes
with a 36 inch and 18 inch heavy duty actuators.

V Box for left and right, EZ-2000 for up and down. Save £20.00 compared to buying the two items separately
Order code PIOP23VE

How does a reed switch work?.

Reed switches

A reed switch is a magnetically operated switch (sensor). It provides "feedback" in the form of "counts" to the positioner so that
the positioner knows where the dish is. On the end of the motor shaft inside the actuator there is a 4 pole magnet. The reed sensor
or reed switch is positioned alongside this magnet. Every time the motor goes round once, the 4 pole magnet pulls the switch over
4 times. That is to say the switch opens and closes 4 times and the positioner (e.g. V Box) sees this as 4 counts. This is how the
positioner knows where the dish is. If the reed switch fails completely there will be no counts and the dish will not move
or it will move a little then stop. (however, there are other reasons why this can happen, e.g. incorrectly wiring the V Box
can cause the V Box to fail with the same outcome, or a break in the 4 wire control cable or corroded terminals). If there
is miss-counting this is almost always a faulty reed switch. e.g. there may be some counting but the dish does not return
to the correct position, missing the satellite. This is not caused by the positioner but it can be caused in very very rare
occasions by a weak magnet. Highly unlikely. 499 times out of 500 it would be the reed switch. A reed switch is easy
to replace. No more difficult than replacing a fuse in a plug assuming the dish is easily accessible.
You can buy spare Reed Switch from the 3 types available above

1224 Supermount H to H motor for the
Raven or Channel Master dishes.

Supermount supermount supermount

This motor is now discontinued.
A new heavier duty motor is available. Click here to see it.

Advice on Motors.

Comparing a 15Kg 36V motor with a 2.5Kg disecq motor

Shown above - left an "h to h" 36V motor for 1.2m to 1.5m dishes. Right a DISEqC motor for dishes up to 1.1m
There are two types of motors. DISEqC motors and 36 volt motors. DISEqC motors use 18V and 200mA (0.2A) approx.
36 volt motors are designed for larger dishes. They inject more power using a separate 4 core power cable. They
use 36-volts and about 3 amps. That is twice the voltage and 10 times the current compared to DISEqC motors. DISEqC
motors weigh about 2.5Kg and 36-volt motors typically weigh from 15Kg (for 1.2m dishes) to 35Kg (for 3m dishes)
We would recommend a DISEqC motor on dishes up to 1.0m steel or 1.1m Aluminium as long as the 1.1m dish was not
in a very exposed location. A sheltered location would probably be one with a wall behind it. An exposed location
would be a dish on a high pole above the gutter. In an exposed location a 90cm dish on a DISEqC motor is fine but
a 1.0m dish would be marginal. There are DISEqC motors with nylon gears and DISEqC motors with metal gears. There
is nothing wrong with nylon gears. Some big 36-volt motors on 2.4m dishes use nylon gears. They are very quiet,
strong and reliable. Some DISEqC motors use metal gears. Since a DISEqC motor cannot be made any larger as
only the LNB current is available to drive it (single cable), it can be made a little stronger with metal gears but
they are a little noisier. For that reason we would recommend DISEqC motors with metal gears for 90cm, 1.0m and
1.1m dishes. Dishes below 90cm can use nylon or metal gear motors. For 1.2m and larger dishes, 36 volt motors
should be used. All DISEqC motors are horizon to horizon motors (h to h). That means the motor drives a central
bearing and the motor typically has a turning capability of about plus or minus 60 degrees (total 120 degrees).
Some 36-volt motors are also h to h, however, most use a polar mount and a linear (straight) actuator. Polar mounts
are inherently stronger than h to h motors as the turning force is applied some distance from the centre. This
gives it more leverage. In addition, the wind is resisted by the actuator as the resistance is also at some
distance from the centre. This improved leverage resists the wind much better than applying the resistance at the
centre of an h to h motor. This is why most 36V motors use polar mounts and actuators. The only disadvantage
of the polar mount is that the amount of turning is usually about plus or minus 40 degrees (total 80 degrees)
Since this 80 degree span covers most if not all of the satellites seen from the UK, it is not really an issue.

(All prices on this web site include VAT.)

Links to menu pages,

Catalogue Contents Page. A summary of all pages. More products.
ADVICE Pages. Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQs) Read and learn!

Menu pages.

Satellite receivers menu page.
Fixed satellite dishes menu page.
Motorised satellite dishes menu page.
2, 3 or 4 satellite on a fixed dish menu page.
Clear transparent dishes menu page.
Motorised satellite systems menu page.
V Box menu page.
Satellite dish motors menu page.
Satellite systems menu page.
Caravan / Motorhome / RV Satellite menu page.

Ku, Ka, Universal and programmable LNBs menu page.
feedhorns menu page.
C Band LNBs and feedhorns menu page.

Vu+ receivers menu page.
Freesat receivers menu page.
Humax receivers menu page.
Sky receivers menu page.
Sky accessories menu page.
Technomate receivers menu page.
French TV and Italian TV receivers menu page.
Edision receivers menu page.
Technisat receivers menu page.
Sab receivers menu page.
Twin tuner receivers menu page.
High definition receivers menu page.
Linux receivers menu page.

Multiswitches menu page.

Satellite finder meters menu page.
Wall mounts and ground stands menu page.
Installation equipment menu page.
Cable menu page.
Diseqc switches and motors menu page.

Optical LNBs and equipment menu page.
Satellite accessories menu page.
TV, FM and DAB aerials menu page.
cams menu page.
adult cards menu page.
Index of all products menu page.

See our other web site at- www.primesat.eu

This site includes many products that are exclusive to the Satellite Superstore.
The site contains -
• Products that we manufacture (e.g. We have manufactured heavy duty wall mounts and ground stands since 1991).
• Selected products which have our own Primesat brand name and have been prepared to our specifications.
• Selected products where we have been appointed the authorised UK or European distributor by the manufacturer.
www.primesat.eu is an information site. Here you will find full specifications and many detailed pictures.
To buy any of these products, simply order them on this web site.

Link to our own satellite museum site

Satellite Museum. A museum of vintage satellite receivers.

Satcom 7700 satellite receiver.

For old satellite receivers with knobs on and read about "A History Of Satellite TV".

Also see www.rewindmuseum.com. A Museum of vintage consumer electronics.
Vintage reel to reel video recorders. Vintage VHS and Betamax VCRs. Vintage video cameras. Vintage
Laser Disc. Vintage Computers. Old telephones. Old brick mobile phones. Vintage Hi Fi, Old reel
to reel audio and early audio cassette decks. Including, the history time line of vintage
consumer electronics ... and much more .....

Sony 2400 portable reel to reel video

It is well worth a visit.
Only The Satellite Superstore brings you
great products, advice and it's own museum.

Rewind Museum

You may be interested in two other web sites.

Hard tonneau cover for the 1947-53 Chevy truck. Hard tonneau cover for the 1947-53 Chevy truck.

This web site shows all of the restoration process and the modifications to this truck.
In addition, there is a hard high quality tonneau cover on a new web site
at www.classictonneaucover.com for the 1947-53 Chevy truck.


Contacting us.
Unlike many other companies we are happy to answer questions on the phone.
Tel. (UK) 01207 544664 and 01207 544224
International Tel. + 44 1207 544664.
Before sending questions via e-mail please check-out our Frequently Asked Questions as this could save time.
If you have any questions & comments regarding this site's content, or you need advice please ....
click here to go to our contact forms.

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